Renderer CLI

For more help, run renderer <task> -h

usage: [-h] {info,render,merge,1to2} ...

positional arguments:
                        task to run
    info                view info about the renderer
    render              render tiles
    merge               merge tiles
    1to2                convert PLA 1 to PLA 2

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
renderer 1to2

Converts PLA1 files to PLA2 format.

usage: 1to2 [-h] [-c Path] [-n Path] [-o Path] [--json]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c Path, --comps Path
                        the directory of PLA 1 components
  -n Path, --nodes Path
                        the directory of PLA 1 nodes
  -o Path, --out Path   the directory to output PLA 2 files
  --json                save PLA 2 as json instead of msgpack
renderer render

Render from JSON files.

usage: render [-h] -f Path -min int -max int -r float [-s str]
                          [-d Path] [-m int] [-t list] [-o tuple]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f Path, --file Path  the PLA 2 file to render from
  -min int, --min_zoom int
                        minimum zoom value
  -max int, --max_zoom int
                        maximum zoom value
  -r float, --max_zoom_range float
                        range of coordinates covered by a tile in the maximum
  -s str, --skin str    the name of the skin to use
  -d Path, --save_dir Path
                        the directory to save tiles in
  -m int, --processes int
                        the amount of processes to run for rendering
  -t list, --tiles list
                        a list of tiles to render, given in tuples of (z,x,y)
  -o tuple, --offset tuple
                        the offset of node coordinates, given as (x,y)
renderer merge

Merge tiles.

usage: merge [-h] [-i Path] [-s Path] [-z [int ...]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i Path, --image_dir Path
                        the directory of tiles
  -s Path, --save_dir Path
                        the directory to save the merged image to
  -z [int ...], --zoom [int ...]
                        the zoom levels to merge
renderer info

Get renderer info.

usage: info [-h]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit